17 weeks

On Saturday we hit the 17 week mark! I've been feeling awesome - not tired at all and I've been exercising and eating normally. No nausea. I feel pretty much the same as always. That being said, Jaynie has been gaining weight and is getting a belly.

Today we saw and heard the baby during an ultrasound. We could hear the heartbeat over the speaker. There were a couple of loud smacks over the speaker as well. The Doc said that was the baby kicking around in there. Pretty neat.

In the photo below you can see the baby's fingers and thumb from one hand above the head.

Jaynie is feeling well. Due date is still November 8th. We are both very excited.

Please continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy and baby.


Hi Everyone,

We chose to be baptized at our church, Cherry Hills Community Church last month. The night prior we had a chance to tell "our story" in front of our family and friends. I was pretty nervous to speak in front of everyone! Matt was very focused and calm and I was an anxious mess being up on stage. Enjoy the photos!





Nervous smile.

Nervous smile.

Yes, I plugged my nose.

Yes, I plugged my nose.

In the photos with us is Kevin (our testimony table leader) and Mark Shupe (CHCC Life Pastor).

For those of you wondering why baptism is important to us below is a snippet from CHCC:

The Meaning of Baptism

• Baptism is one of two sacraments (i.e., an important practice, sacred pledge) instituted

by Christ that symbolizes the truth and grace of His message. This act of obedience that

you are considering is both for you, the believer, and the building of His church.

• Baptism also demonstrates what God has done in our lives. When you ask Jesus into your

heart, you too “die” to your old sinful self. You bury the old self, but you don’t stay dead. You 

are made clean. You are “born again!” You get a new start in life because God has forgiven all 

your sins and given you a new heartfelt desire to love and follow him (Romans 6:3-4).

• When you are baptized, you are both remembering and celebrating what Jesus did for

all of us in giving his life and what Jesus has done in your life when you accepted him

into your heart.

The Importance of Baptism

• Being baptized you are showing your family, friends and the world that you have chosen

to follow Christ. You are not ashamed of Christ or of being a Christian, instead you are

glad to be counted as one of his followers.

• Baptism is the sign of the “new covenant,” God’s promise to save his people, the church.

When you are baptized, you are not only identifying yourself with Jesus, but also with

the rest of the people he has saved. Baptism shows your commitment to Jesus Christ

and the church.

• No one becomes a Christian or reserves a spot in heaven by being baptized. Neither are

you condemned to hell if you are not baptized. Baptism is a symbol of what God has

already done in your life through faith in Jesus Christ.


I have been feeling great throughout most of my pregnancy and I am almost to week 16. We are beyond excited as we watch my belly grow! This week the baby is able to hear and distinguish our voices so Matt has been reading to us in the evening. It's great!

Jaynie and Matt


Hello World

Hello Family and Friends.

We've decided to copy The Lafleur Family and start a blog to keep our family and friends updated on our exciting news, answered prayers, and the journey ahead. We are going to try and update the blog weekly.

These photos are of our little guy or girl during the first and second ultrasounds.

Hello World

Hello World

Today is 14 weeks and 2 days and Jaynie has been feeling well.

Thank you all for your many prayers and support.

Matt and Jaynie