
Last Sunday was my first Father's Day being a dad. It was very cool. Jaynie made a really nice little photo book of the pregnancy and Lydia's first six months. It has been an awesome first (half) year and I look forward to many more Father's Days.

Here are a couple of photos of Lydia from last Sunday. She's not able to crawl yet, but she has no problem pulling herself up when we hold our hands out to her. Here she is excited to be standing tall.

In other news, we are packed up and ready to drive out to California. We are praying for a safe drive and that we will end up where we can best serve the Lord.

Lydia did not enjoy packing. Apparently she greatly dislikes the noise made by packing tape coming off the roll. She may have had more meltdowns today than she has had in the rest of her life combined, which basically means she had three meltdowns. Here are the boxes.

We will be driving out in a couple of days and will try to update the blog from the road.

Have a great weekend!

A Visit from Mimi

This week we had a special visitor. Mimi flew in from Phoenix, AZ to spend the week with us. Lydia has enjoyed all of the extra attention! Below are some highlights of our time together.

Lydia loved her time with Mimi, especially when being serenaded with a nursery rhyme. Thank you for the wonderful visit, Mimi! 

Seven Months

And just like that our girl is seven months old. Recently, I feel like Lydia is hitting a milestone every few days. This past week she started to clap. It's so cute to see her excitement! We also gave her a little lick of vanilla bean frozen yogurt. Let's just say it went much better than the watermelon and avocado. She is definitely our daughter. Haha!

The Great State of Michigan

Last week was Lydia's first trip to Michigan. I was excited to bring her to my home state to visit family and friends. We had a wonderful stay with Grandma Jo-Ann. While in town we visited cousins, attended my high school friend's baby shower, took walks through the neighborhood, sat in grass for the first time, and got filled up with home cooked meals. Lydia is a great travel companion. She will sleep through most flights when not making friends with other travelers. 

Lydia couldn't wait to be reunited with her Dadda. 

Lydia's favorite thing (other than her dad!) is Mickey Mouse. She squeals, screams, laughs, etc. whenever she sees MM. Thank you Grandma for the towel!