Move-in in Progress...

Short post this week as we have tons going on with moving and work. A huge thank you to Grandma for helping out with the move!

Here are a couple of photos of Lydia during the last couple of days in the hotel while waiting for the moving truck to arrive and also a couple of her in her Halloween costume at the library.

Have a great weekend!

Escape from Alcatraz

Hi everyone. This is Lydia. In case you don't know who I am, here is a photo of me hanging out with Mr. Pig on the swing.

I am super friendly and wave to everybody, including mechanical spiders.

This week my parents told me that we are moving.


I was like...

And then they were like, "Monks, we are moving to a land with parking and laundry and water!" And then I was like...

Sayonara California!

I'm pretty much a frequent flier now, which means I know the safety rules quite well.

I am to put on my oxygen mask before helping Mr. Pig.

Here is how to use the seatbelt.

And here is where you go to collect all of your luggage.

Here I am cleaning up before bed in my temporary tub.

And here I am in my pumpkin outfit. My Grandma got this for me.

And today my parents found a home. It was way faster than when we moved last time. Last time it took over a tenth of my life. This time it took about 24 hours.

Goodbye city of San Francisco.

Hello Windy City suburbs.

A Visit and a Celebration

Good News, Bad News, and Breaking News

The good news: Last weekend we celebrated Ryan and Shireen's marriage with a gathering across the bay of family and friends who couldn't make it to Greece last month. Adam brought Kylee with him. It was Kylee's first visit to SF and also her first time meeting Lydia. Mimi and Papa also made the trip. It was great to see everyone and celebrate Ryan and Shireen's wedding. Before the celebration we met up at Pier 39. It was Lydia's first time seeing the seals.

The bad news: Somewhere between our camera and our blog something isn't cooperating and most of our photos are not uploading. 

So instead of family photos and celebrations, here is Lydia trying on a pig hat. Which just so happens to be better than all of the other photos of the week anyway.

Here is what we managed to salvage from the rest of the photos.

We went to swim class with Lydia again last Monday. Lydia didn't like the water as much as she has in the past, but she did look super awesome in her goggles.

Here are a couple of photos of Lydia just after waking up in the morning.

The breaking news: Huge blog post next week. Some of you know already. For the others, let's just say it is not what you think it will be.

Have a great weekend.

Fleet Week

Last week was Fleet Week in SF. We went to the airshow on Saturday. It was awesome, and it was also Jaynie's first airshow! Highlights include the Navy Frogs Parachute team, a T-33 (Clarkie!!!), the Patriots jet team, and the Blue Angels. The day started off super foggy but cleared up by the start of the show. I'm not sure you can beat the Golden Gate bridge and Alcatraz as the backdrop for the Blue Angels.

Monks turned 11 months old this week. Less than a month to go and she will be munching on a cupcake to celebrate her first birthday.

I think Monks is excited that we are almost out of milestone cards.

In other news, we had to make an apology trip to the bookstore to return a couple of keychains that Lydia grabbed off the shelf and hid in her stroller. We don't know where she learned to do this. Oh, wait, yes we do.


Charges pending.

And here are Lydia's kicks these days.

Have a great weekend!