Cake and Balloons

Yesterday we celebrated Matt's birthday. Lydia enjoyed watching him open his gifts and blow out the birthday candles on his cake. Although, I believe her favorite part of the day was indulging in a piece of chocolate cake. 

Lydia has been doing very well since her surgery last week. Thank you for your prayers.


This week Lydia had surgery to have the bump removed that has been on her left temple since birth. It was what we and the doctors had all hoped it was -  a dermoid - and the surgery went well. We had a lot of people faithfully praying for her and us and we are thankful for all of them. Lydia is an answer to prayer and her successful surgery is as well.

Here are a few photos of our little one pre-op. She was a brave little girl and did very well.

Lydia was quite woozy after her surgery. She also had some type of tube-sleeve on each of her arms so that she could not bend her elbows to touch her head. No finger in the mouth. No hair twirling. No snugging Mr. Pig. And no feeding herself. Pretty much everything she loves! She didn't like this at all and it ended up being a short lived experiment. They were off before leaving the hospital and they didn't come with us. Thankfully Lydia has had no desire to mess with her wound. 

Here is Lydia after her surgery. Stitches on the inside. Dissolving glue on the outside.

Lydia was quick to get back into her normal routine when we got home. She slept a little more than usual but the next morning she was back in business. Here she is the day after surgery rocking her signature hairdo, eating blueberry pancakes, and playing at the library.

Thank you again to everyone who was praying for us this week.

-Matt and Jaynie


Our Funny Valentine

Last week started off with Valentine's Day. We had hoped to head out for an early dinner, but, an unexpected snow storm derailed our plans. Instead it was pizza at home while watching my favorite movie!

In other news... Here is Lydia playing with her current favorite, a stuffed monkey she calls MoMo.

Lydia had her 15 month check-up this week. We were told that since Lydia is bigger than most 2 year olds, we could flip her seat around. Lydia has been very excited about her upgrade. 

And last night Dadda took us on the little date that was snowed out last weekend. Here is Lydia pondering what she is going to order.

Have a great week!