Red, White, and Blue

We attended a little Memorial Day parade in our small town this week. Lydia was excited to see the drums and fire trucks. She doesn't like loud sounds so we stayed back a bit from the front lines. :) Also, below are a couple of pictures of Lydia with Daddy in his uniform. I try to do this every few months - I think these pictures of the two of them will be something she will treasure as she gets older.

Another funny story that took place while driving through a very yellow light...

Lydia: "Oh no! Mom, you didn't obey!"

Me: "What do you mean, Lydia?"

Lydia: "You didn't stop... That's okay - you can try again."


Have a great week!

Sweet Angel

Me: "Hi Monkey!"

Lydia: "Mom, I'm not a monkey."

Me: "What are you then?"

Lydia: "A sweet angel."

I love this age more and more. Here are some pictures of how our days look.

Every morning Lydia and Daddy read books together.

And here we are during potty breaks.

Lydia's very good friend and our neighbor, Eden, had a birthday this week. Lydia wanted to bring Eden pink and purple balloons for her party. She walked them over yesterday morning before the celebration.

Lydia had so much fun at the birthday party. She kept asking when the cupcakes were going to be served. Haha! The kids played follow the leader, tag, and duck, duck, goose. 

Have a great week!


Note: There are no flowers in this post!

One of Lydia's new things to do is go to "Wheaton" (Wheaton College) and smell the flowers. This means that we often walk over to Wheaton College, sometimes smell the flowers, and sometimes we need to carry everybody home. Lydia's uncle, Spencer, was once asked why he was bringing the double stroller on a walk in Vancouver while all the kids were walking or riding their bikes. After seeing him load it up with bikes and kids on the way back it is now recognized as a veteran maneuver. 

This week we walked over to "Wheaton" a couple of times. Once with a trike. Once with Lydia's babies and their stroller. Both times we carried Lydia and company home afterwards. These are not veteran maneuvers.

Here are some photos from this week.

Lydia also says a lot of new things every couple of days. We have lots of laughs with this. Sometimes they are good things. Sometimes not so much. She also seems to be under the impression that when she closes her eyes nobody can see her. Often she says things that we don't even say and we are not quite sure where she gets them from.

One recent conversation while Momma was helping Lydia go to the bathroom:

"Dadda, turn on the fan please."

"Lydia, you want the fan on?"

"The fan is for pooping."

Another one when getting ready for a nap:

"Lydia, come here, I have Snoopy socks for you."

"Snoopy socks?! Yay! I am so excited."

While washing the vehicle, each with a sponge:

"Dadda, this is soooo much fun."

Another conversation from this week went like this:

"Lydia, are you allowed to go in the office without momma or dadda?"


"Lydia, were you in the office without momma or dadda?"

"Yes... I'm so busted."

Have a great week!