The Greatest Weekend

You know those weekends that are filled with so much fun that you never want them to end? We had one of those a couple of weeks ago while Grandma was visiting! Just a few blocks from our house was the Taste of Wheaton Festival. Lydia loved all of the little rides at the carnival. Some other favorite moments were walking to the Farmer's Market, eating hot fudge sundaes, watching Lydia morph into a kitty cat, and swinging on the french porch.

Most of Spring

We have had a really beautiful spring here. Our days have been filled with riding bikes, playing outside with neighbors, walking to town for ice cream, and reading on the front porch. Some highlights of the past couple of months: Mimi and Auntie Jodie visiting, celebrating Mother's Day, watching the Royal Wedding, Dad and Me morning at church, and lots of bike rides together. Looking forward to many summertime adventures!

Memorial Day

We had a great Memorial Day so far. We walked to town in the morning to our favorite bagel and coffee shop, and then watched the parade. Lydia loves the marching bands- especially the drums! After the parade Lydia asked if she could have a lemonade stand. She was very hopeful as she brought out her register and piggy bank. A few neighbors and a delivery man were very kind to stop and buy a cup. Daddy was also very generous.