We Found a Bike

It has been really hard to find bikes during COVID-19. Apparently nobody had a bike before and now everybody needs one. They are harder to get than toilet paper (which we have btw).

Not knowing that finding bikes was going to be difficult, we sold ours before moving from Illinois. After a couple of months of looking and five or so stores later, today we finally found one for Lydia. It is a little big, but she can touch both feet down so she’s good to go. After a few warmup laps in the underground parking garage, we went outside. Here are a few pics of her on her new bike.

School's Out for the Summer

Also a few weeks ago…

Lydia and Jaynie finished up the school year. It went very very well and we have all been really excited and happy with homeschooling. Jaynie has done an excellent job adjusting and Lydia has been an excellent little learner. Here are a few photos of some of what was covered in the few months of homeschooling here.

The Tooth Fairy and Other Things

This story is from a few weeks ago - after Lydia lost her first tooth (and then asked for a car with a trailer and then tested out her th words).

After she was asleep, and after a little sneaking by mom and dad, we were able to remove her tooth from under her pillow and replace it with this.


A few hours later, around 10 or 11pm, Lydia woke up and found the note with some money. “The Tooth Fairy is REAL. THE TOOTH FAIRY IS REAL!”

We went into Lydia’s room. She was very groggy and very excited. She held up the couple of dollar bills (we only had USD at home) and the note and told us that The Tooth Fairy was REAL. She then started to wake up a little more and looked at us with a funny look on her face and said, “did you do this?” and smiled.

And regarding those other things from the post title, here are a couple of photos of Lydia looking out her bedroom window and then a photo of Lydia with her chef hat on - clean, I hope.

A Rainy Photo Walk

A few weeks ago Lydia and I went for a photo walk in the rain. I’m a big fan of the rain and wish it would rain more than it did (though I may be singing a different tune in the fall!). Here are some photos from our rainy day photo walk.