Sowing a Sewer

Momma Bear’s sewing machine was on the fritz. And then it wasn’t. It was off the fritz. This possibly had something to do with that purple and orange shipping company moving it so carefully twice in eight months. Possibly. Did you know there is an arrow in that shipping company’s logo? And depending on what side of the truck you are looking at, that arrow might be pointing backwards. So it might say sloof lirpa instead. What is that all about? Two wrongs don’t make a right. But three lefts do! Regardless, back to the fritz. A new sewing machine was acquired by Momma Bear. And Baby Bear loves it.

So the sewing seeds that Momma Bear has sown over these last few years have grown into a sewer. Though that wording is debatable, because, well, everything is debatable these days. The seed may have started to grow into a sewer or a sewist or even a seamstress. Now, clearly the word sewer could also refer to that stinky pipe that carries stuff someplace. But, there are bigger problems than that smell… because sewist technically isn’t an actual word. And seamstress apparently excludes men, which is very bad as we simply cannot exclude anybody from something like sewing.

So we will stick with sewer, even with the possibility that somebody may misunderstand us to be referring to our dear little perfect angel child as a stinky pipe.

So there you have it. Momma Bear is sowing a sewer.

Happy April 1st. Also knows as slooF lirpA. Sewn backwards.


We were able to get three bikes a few weeks ago and the weather has been nice enough to go out biking quite a bit.


Here are some photos of a ride we took to Glen Ellyn last week.

Where we had smoothies. For three.

And candy. For one.

Of course.


A few weeks ago we went and explored the park that we had been sledding at not long before. The snow was almost all gone and the ice on the pond was melting.

Spring has sprung.