International Traveler

Last weekend Lydia went to visit some of her family in Vancouver. Uncle Spencer, Aunt Ali, and her cousins Ella, Juliette, Karis, and Peter were very excited to meet Lydia. And Lydia was just as excited to meet them. We had an awesome trip and visit. 

It was really neat to see Ali hold Lydia and look at her and say "we prayed for you." We sure did, and what an answer we received.

Other highlights of the trip include seeing Jaynie meet Peter, Lydia meet her Uncle and Aunt and cousins, going for a walk in the forest during the rain, going to Village Church, seeing Ella read to Lydia, and playing memory with the girls. Lydia's hair also went from crazy to flat in the humidity.

There are lots and lots of photos here. Thank you very much Spencer and Ali for having us!

10 Weeks

This week Lydia turned 10 weeks old...


...and we turned 3 years old, celebrating our 3rd anniversary. We brought Lydia out for our dinner date at The Cheesecake Factory but forgot to take any photos of the two of us (parents), or the three of us. 

We do have this photo of Lydia after Jaynie told her she wasn't going to be able to have any cheesecake.


Here are some random photos of the week. Click on any image to enlarge and then hover to the right of the image and click to scroll through. 

2 Months

Lydia turned two months old last Monday. To celebrate, I suggested we go to the park and have ice cream.

Lydia was in agreement. Mom had other plans.

Later in the day when Lydia ended up at the doctor's office being stabbed with needles I explained to her that this was all mom's idea and that I would never do this to her. I also made sure that I was out of view as the stabbing occurred. To make it up to Lydia I explained that I would eat some sympathy ice cream for her that evening. The ice cream was excellent. It was that vanilla bean kind from Sprouts. Some kind of natural healthy ice cream with zero calories that builds up your immune system so you don't have to get shots. Ever.

Here is a photo of Lydia's reaction as I explained what a sacrifice I was making by eating ice cream for her.

Thank you dad for eating ice cream for me. I love you. Please tell mom that I am still mad at her.  -Lydia

Thank you dad for eating ice cream for me. I love you. Please tell mom that I am still mad at her.  -Lydia

Okay. For real now. The two month checkup. She is a healthy monkey and weighed in at 14 pounds. That puts her in the 95th percentile. We are not sure how much of that is her hair.

Elvis has not left the building.

Elvis has not left the building.




In charge.

A Wise Decision

Lydia was excited to hear that Detroit was playing hockey last weekend while dad was out of town. Here she is.

She then found out who the Wings were playing against.

And changed into this.

4-1. Wise Decision.

Lydia is now just over 8 weeks old. What better way to celebrate 8 weeks of life on planet earth than to read Little Blue Truck?

Also, we were told Lydia would be losing her crazy hair soon but so far it’s still there. We are not sure where she got it from…