Need Passport, Will Travel

This week we found out that Lydia needs a passport to travel by air to… Canada. 
Yes, this girl is dangerous.

Here is the look on Lydia’s face when we told her she needed a passport.

They (Homeland Security) said it had something to do with her mom and a keychain. Here is Lydia before hearing about The Keychain Incident.

Here is Lydia after hearing about The Keychain Incident.

Here is the photo that will soon be in Lydia’s passport.

In other news, Lydia likes to let us know when she is hungry or has a wet diaper. 95% of the time she turns into a fussy monkey it is for one of those two reasons - hungry or wet. There is no such thing as an absorbent diaper in Lydia’s world. One drop and she will let us know it is time for a new diaper. She can have an all out Code Blue and be fine, but one drop of pee and she is not a happy camper. This can result in 4 or 5 diaper changes in less than half an hour. Which then results in a quote like this from Jaynie:

“I'm going to take a few of her diapers and tape them together and make one big diaper and pee in it. I just want to see what the big deal is. This is her seventh diaper change in an hour. Seven. Go get the tape.”



Happy New Year!

A White Christmas

We had our first Christmas with Lydia this week. We had tons of fun celebrating the birth of Jesus and everything we have been blessed with. Lydia had a couple of Christmas outfits that Jaynie dressed her up in.
Here is the Christmas Eve outfit. Thank you Ryan and Shireen!

We went to a Christmas Eve candlelight service this year. Afterwards we went over to our friends for dinner. Jaynie and I had chili. Lydia had milk.

Here are our stockings. Three of them!!! :)

Here is Lydia with her gifts. She received two new Wubbanubs - a dog and an owl. They are awesome. Tons of Love in Every Wub is the slogan. It's true. It's true.

We read two great Christmas books this year. One was an advent book by Ann Voskamp called Unwrapping The Greatest Gift. We mentioned it in a previous post and plan to make it a yearly tradition. The other book, which we also plan to turn into a yearly tradition, is by Ella Lafleur. It is called Today We Will Get Our Christmas Tree. We have a couple of pictures of the book but are not sure how much of it we could post without violating copyright law. Most of the books by Ella Lafleur are also available in large print.

But they knew it was not about gifts

But they knew it was not about gifts

Here is the Christmas outfit. Thanks Grandma!

On Christmas day we went over to our friend's place for dinner and a game of Catan. We returned the next day as well for round two. And three. And four. Good times with lots of games and food. (Interesting fact: Last year we played Catan in Hawaii with my parents. Also of note: They did not rob each other. Additionally, a few years back Jaynie and my mom had a historic Catan battle. They did rob each other. They are speaking again now though, so that's good.) 

Christmas evening (not to be confused with Christmas Eve!) it started snowing and it did not stop for about 24 hours. It was a pretty decent storm and we tried to capture some photos of it.

A couple photos of us at home on Christmas evening.

And at 11:58 PM on Christmas day we realized we didn't have a single photo of us as a family. So, in the dark, we took one with Jaynie's iPhone. Here it is. Our first Christmas family photo. Doesn't get much better than that. #selfie

Here is Lydia hanging out in her favorite play area. This wild contraption is from my Aunt Barb. (Thank you!) Lydia loves it.

And there is our little girl passed out. You know she's out cold when the Wub drops out.

Little fingers.

And a little lamb.

Merry Christmas!