KAPOW - Special Rollover Edition

Today we had our first rollover - front to back!


Also, we thought we would share photos of Lydia's super cool diapers. Yes, it's come to this.

That's a Pow and a Zap on there too. Pretty much perfect. Well, maybe they could add a Biff and a Zing and ship them with a Batman cape. That would work too.

I rarely say Lydia needs a new diaper - they are now referred to as Kapows. As in "Lydia needs new Kapows." Jaynie has a mixture of diapers for Lydia, and we are almost out of Kapows (because if you have Kapows that's what you use before anything else), so soon we will be using the strawberry diapers. Doesn't have quite the same effect when other people hear you speaking, but it will work. It will work.

PS - Lydia wants everybody to know there is still an entry scheduled to post on Saturday.

Grandma, New Pants, and Chucks

Last weekend Grandma came to visit Lydia. (She used to come to visit us.)

Lydia was excited to see her and they spent lots of time together. While here, Grandma helped Jaynie make some pants for Lydia. It was a huge success.

Thank you Grandma for coming to visit us and helping with Lydia's new pants!

Lydia has started to be very attentive to any food that we are eating. Here is a video of Lydia watching Jaynie eat a cookie. Lydia's eyes get quite big when Jaynie bites the cookie. As Lydia's parents, we think these types of things are hilarious. As readers of the blog, you may not find them as exciting as we do.

Lydia also wore a new pair of Converse All-Star Chuck shoes this week. They are pretty awesome. Here are way too many photos of Lydia and her super cool shoes.

That last picture is of us shopping at Costco the other day. That pretty much sums up how nerdy we have become.

Lastly, here is a photo of Lydia in her new highchair. We saved about two dollars by purchasing a chair that we could assemble at home without pain or frustration in about 3 hours. Really a great deal and highly recommended.