Wub Free

Tough love this week. Lydia started sleeping in her crib, we let her cry it out, and she is also Wubbanub free. Thankfully all of these have gone very well. 15 minutes and she was out. We are very thankful.

Here is a photo of our baby monitor showing Lydia in her crib during a nap. This maneuver here is called a Prison Break - she has broken free of her swaddle blanket and is wrestling with her Mickey Mouse doll.

Here was Lydia at her happiest moment during her first full day without a Wubbanub. 

Why daaaaaad? Why??  Sorry Lydia, this was all mom's idea.

Why daaaaaad? Why??  Sorry Lydia, this was all mom's idea.

Here we are before an early Easter service last Saturday and here are a couple of Lydia in her Easter dress.

Lydia and her Easter basket.

And a trip to the park last weekend. Pre Wub Free. This was Lydia's first time on a swing - thus the excessive number of photos of the same thing. She loved it. She's in the swing backwards to keep her eyes out of the sun. Last one is a video.

If you don't go by Grandma or Mimi you may not find that video as exciting to watch as we do...

Have a great week!

Lydia's Nightly Routine

We have had a pretty solid pre-bedtime routine in place for Lydia the past few weeks. Next week when Matt is finished with his training (Yay!) we are transitioning Lydia to her crib. Wish us luck! Lydia now loves to eat solid food from a spoon. She usually grabs my hands to force the spoon in her mouth. 

Eating a mixture of brown rice cereal, banana, and squash.

Eating a mixture of brown rice cereal, banana, and squash.

Supergirl. Thank you for the shirt Aunt Becky!

Supergirl. Thank you for the shirt Aunt Becky!

Nightly bath after her solid meal. 

Nightly bath after her solid meal. 

Lydia loves to play with her new rubber ducky. 

Lydia loves to play with her new rubber ducky. 

All clean.

All clean.

Rubbing lotion all over her skin. It's dry in Denver!

Rubbing lotion all over her skin. It's dry in Denver!

Bottle before bedtime.

Bottle before bedtime.

Lydia also likes to help hold her bottle.

Lydia also likes to help hold her bottle.

Nightly prayers for our sweet girl. We'd love for you to pray for our daughter as well. We pray for her salvation, her health, and her life. We thank God daily for giving us a baby to love and to raise.

Nightly prayers for our sweet girl. We'd love for you to pray for our daughter as well. We pray for her salvation, her health, and her life. We thank God daily for giving us a baby to love and to raise.

Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

A Visit to Arizona

This past week Lydia and I went to visit all of our family in Arizona while Matt was continuing his 787 training in Houston, TX. She has become quite the seasoned traveller. This was Lydia's third trip in two months!

Flying to Phoenix, Arizona.

Flying to Phoenix, Arizona.

Riding between cousins, Grace and Ava.

Riding between cousins, Grace and Ava.

Hanging out with Aunt Becky.

Hanging out with Aunt Becky.

Waiting for the cupcakes to bake at Poppa and Mimi's home.

Waiting for the cupcakes to bake at Poppa and Mimi's home.

Poppa fed Lydia pears for the first time. She really enjoyed them!

Poppa fed Lydia pears for the first time. She really enjoyed them!

Poppa must have said this was the last bite. 

Poppa must have said this was the last bite. 

Sitting with Mimi at lunch in downtown Gilbert.

Sitting with Mimi at lunch in downtown Gilbert.

Taking a nap on Poppa's lap.

Taking a nap on Poppa's lap.

Spending the day with Uncle Adam. 

Spending the day with Uncle Adam. 

Mimi and Lydia playing patty cake. 

Mimi and Lydia playing patty cake. 

Oh hello. Will there be more pears this morning?

Oh hello. Will there be more pears this morning?

Sitting outside on the patio with Poppa.

Sitting outside on the patio with Poppa.

Momma feeding Lydia applesauce. Right after this photo was taken Adam jumped up and performed the Heimlich on an elderly woman next to our table. She ended up being fine!

Momma feeding Lydia applesauce. Right after this photo was taken Adam jumped up and performed the Heimlich on an elderly woman next to our table. She ended up being fine!

Our last day with Poppa and Mimi.

Our last day with Poppa and Mimi.

Lydia received lots of love and attention from these two.

Lydia received lots of love and attention from these two.

Oliver stood guard next to Lydia. She kept trying to reach out to him and pet him. I think we have a dog lover on our hands. Uh oh!

Oliver stood guard next to Lydia. She kept trying to reach out to him and pet him. I think we have a dog lover on our hands. Uh oh!

This sums up our travel day back to Denver today! 

This sums up our travel day back to Denver today! 

Thank you for all of the memories made in Arizona this past week!

Lydia's Favorite Things

Lydia has changed quite a bit in the past month. I thought I would update you on her "Favorite Things!" Below is Ellie the Elephant. She goes everywhere Lydia goes. 

Next up is her soft covered "What Do You See" book. She enjoys flipping the pages, and shoving it in her mouth.

Oh, the Wubbanub. This was, is, and always will be a favorite thing of Lydia's. She currently has four of them and the Easter Bunny might be bringing her another one. 

The next couple of pictures are of Lydia trying a banana for the first time. This went a bit better than the avocado, but that's not saying much. These pictures are on here because I believe eating a banana will be a future favorite thing!

Lydia and Dadda. No explanation needed. She LOVES her Daddy. 

Flying with Dadda is so much fun. Lydia gets a good giggle from this every time!

This is Lydia's new chair to help her assist in sitting up. She enjoys spinning the ball, and also chewing on the orange giraffe.

The Jolly Jumper... Lydia's favorite activity is bouncing in the jumper. Whenever we walk by the JJ, and Lydia takes notice she fusses until I put her in it for a bounce. It's so cute!

Uncle Ryan stopped in Denver on his way to a ski trip in Vail this week. It's very fitting that he stopped over during this week's post. It is inevitable that Uncle Ryan will also be a favorite of Lydia's. 

Below are MY favorite pictures of Lydia this week! She recently started playing with her little toes.

Enjoy the weekend!