Wub Free

Tough love this week. Lydia started sleeping in her crib, we let her cry it out, and she is also Wubbanub free. Thankfully all of these have gone very well. 15 minutes and she was out. We are very thankful.

Here is a photo of our baby monitor showing Lydia in her crib during a nap. This maneuver here is called a Prison Break - she has broken free of her swaddle blanket and is wrestling with her Mickey Mouse doll.

Here was Lydia at her happiest moment during her first full day without a Wubbanub. 

Why daaaaaad? Why??  Sorry Lydia, this was all mom's idea.

Why daaaaaad? Why??  Sorry Lydia, this was all mom's idea.

Here we are before an early Easter service last Saturday and here are a couple of Lydia in her Easter dress.

Lydia and her Easter basket.

And a trip to the park last weekend. Pre Wub Free. This was Lydia's first time on a swing - thus the excessive number of photos of the same thing. She loved it. She's in the swing backwards to keep her eyes out of the sun. Last one is a video.

If you don't go by Grandma or Mimi you may not find that video as exciting to watch as we do...

Have a great week!