
Lydia enjoys watching everything that goes on in the kitchen. This week she was allowed to join in and help Momma bake a Strawberry Rhubarb Loaf.

Lydia was very excited, and the loaf was very good!

Below are some photos of the bakeoff.






Have a great weekend!


We had a gathering with church friends at a local campground this week. Most people were planning on camping overnight while some of us joined for the cookout only and then headed home. When Lydia is a little older I think we will start spending the night at these events.

The forecast was for a lot of on and off rain. The forecast was correct.

Here are a couple of photos of Lydia watching Momma's Rhubarb dessert baking. It was a big hit at the campground.

Here is Lydia during the drive. She loves to take her shoes off and she will often use one or both of them as a phone and talk into them to Grandma. This happens most days.

Here are some photos of the dinner at the fire pit and the run for cover.

It was a lot of fun and we look forward to spending the night on the next trip.

Have a great weekend!

Sharing with Giraffes

First off, some randoms.

We took Lydia to the zoo this week (and actually went in).

Lydia really enjoyed the zoo. She loved pointing at and talking to every animal she saw.

Here she is with the giraffes.

Notice those pink shades in the above photo.

And here they are.

Here is Lydia hanging out at the zoo after lunch.

The zoo visit went well and we are looking forward to exploring the rest of the zoo the next few times we visit.

In unrelated news, here is Lydia with her little bike and helmet. She is very funny with her helmet. If Lydia's bike is outside the garage, she brings us her helmet, insists that we put it on her, and she keeps it on until her bike has been put back in the garage. Lydia wearing her helmet has no relation whatsoever to her actually using her bike.

We were all quite sick recently. Here is Lydia taking some medicine and then explaining to us where it goes.

Have a great week!

One Point Five

All of us spent most of the week here, including Mother's Day, being quite sick.

Lydia loves her Mom. So does Dad. And we are both very thankful that she takes such good care of us.

Prior to our sick days, we had a picnic with friends in a park and also had a BBQ at our place. Here are some photos from those events, starting with Lydia in the massive chair that sits in the park.

Here are some random images of Lydia around the house.

And here we are playing outside.

Lydia turned one and a half this week. Crazy crazy. Here she is with her good friend Carissa.

And this is an image of a telephone pole.

Have a great week!