Kuiper's Family Farm

We went to Kuiper's Family Farm this week with Lydia. We all enjoyed the farm and we left with some apples, cider, and a few fresh donuts. Photos are below. (Momma tried to get Lydia on the tractor, but she wasn't having it!)

First, here are some random photos of Lydia helping out in the kitchen. She loves to be involved with whatever is going on, and especially loves everything that is going on in the kitchen area. This week, when asked if she would like yogurt and granola for breakfast she replied, "no, eggs and toast please." She then went and pulled over a chair to help cook. We are learning to word our instructions in 'non-question' form.

Have a great weekend!


Lydia is quite the talker these days. It seems as though every day she has a new word or phrase. Here are a few of our recent favorites.

  • The beginning of the day from her crib: "Morning!"
  • Regarding hair styles: "Momma, low bun in the back."
  • Driving by restaurants: "I eat too."
  • Praying at meals: "God. Thank you. Jesus. Momma. Dadda. Momma. Nama. Mimi. Poppa. Nampa. Momma."
  • Upon sight or sound of a train: "Choooo choooo!"
  • Upon sight or sound of a truck: "Garbage man!"
  • Upon sight or sound of anything motorized on two wheels: "Motorcycle!! Zoom zoom!!"
  • When requesting the song God Made Everything: "Dadda, more God."
  • Car window open request: "Dadda, window down please."
  • Car window closed request: "Dadda, all done window."
  • After sneezing: "Dadda, 'bless you' me."
  • After morning milk: "Dadda, sit down. Read book."
  • At the dinner table: "Momma, I read devo too."
  • In the car: "Hold hands please."
  • When going down for a nap: "Two blankets, close door."
  • When asked where anybody is going: "London."
  • When picking up dad from the airport: "Dadda, kiss me."


Have a great weekend!

End of Summer

We've had a great summer and cannot believe that it is already well into September. Here are some photos of us around the house, our Michigan trip, and a bunch of random shots from the past few weeks.

As Nama says, Lydia will be very happy when she is older to see some of these photos online - especially the last few in this post!  :)

Have a great week!