More Pumpkins

We have a few random sets of photos from the week.

The first batch is from an earlier than normal morning where we were soon on the couch reading. With blankets. While talking on fake phones. To each other.

"Lydia, what are you doing?"

"Feeding baby."

Our favorite plumber photos...

Waiting for breakfast.

Saying "I don't know."

Playing pass with Puppy.

Reading with Puppy.

Visiting a pumpkin patch...

...while hearing a train go by.

Have a great week!


This week Lydia received a letter in the mail. She loves the mail and the mailman. And she loved getting a letter. She also told us that she would like to be a mailman for Halloween.
Here are some randoms from a (somewhat) regular week.

Have a great week!

Apple Picking

We have two events on the blog this week. The first was Lydia's first checkup at the eye doctor after getting glasses a few months ago. She sees quite a lot better out of one eye than the other and the doc recommends that we patch her better eye for a little bit each day to force her other eye to be used and therefore to develop. Sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me, but Lydia likes the patch. So perhaps the owl idea is out for Halloween and the pirate is in. Or maybe we will look for an owl pirate outfit. Here are the photos.

The second event was a trip to an apple orchard with a group of good friends. We believe Lydia ate three apples but are not sure what she snuck while we were not looking. We all had a lot of fun (kids and adults!). Here are the photos from the apple excursion.

Have a great week!