
We don't have much to say these days. Before our world broke with news of Adam's passing we were out with Lydia. She wanted to be a mailman for Halloween. Here are some photos of her from that day. She is her own little self and is quite happy doing her own thing (as you can see in the photo with the neighborhood kids). There is also a video at the bottom where she explains that a squirrel ate our pumpkin and then claims she is a sheep.


We needed more cowbell last weekend.

Lydia ran up a fever and we spent a couple of nights with her on the couch while visiting with Nama in Michigan. Here are some photos of the trip.

Armpit thermometer.

We returned early and were able to get in to see the Doctor on Sunday. It was an unpleasant visit for patient and parents. That being said, Lydia was able to convince the Doctor that she needed more than the usual sticker allotment.

She was also able to convince us that she needed some ice cream.

And here we are. Back in business.

Have a great week!