The Tea Party

First things first... Tomorrow is the start of a new year and with that we will be starting a new Bible reading plan. Here is a link to the Bible reading plan we will be doing in 2017. If you have not done so already, please consider making a commitment to reading God's Word in 2017.

Nama came to visit us over Christmas. Thank you Nama for the visit!

Lydia's favorite Christmas gift has been her tea set. Thank you Mimi!

(Click photos for full screen.)

Lydia also received some nail polish. Thank you Auntie Becky! It has been a huge hit.

We all managed to get sick this week. Momma is currently the worst of the bunch. Lydia seems to be recovering. And I got off pretty easy. Here is our little one looking under the weather.

We took Lydia to the doctor on Monday. The doctor said that Lydia has an upper respiratory infection, which is code for having a cold. He said that from first contracting the URI (serious) that she would feel worse until about 30 to 36 hours in. Then she would feel bad until late Thursday or Friday, at which time she would improve. If during the worst time she got worse than expected, whatever that is, we were to call the doctor again. This was explained via diagram as seen below.

In other news, I (dad) am not sure what my tp/w (tea party per week) average was before , but I am now averaging about two an hour. Lydia is up for about ten hours a day, so that works out to 140tp/w. It has been pretty much awesome. I highly recommend all dads have as many tea parties as possible with their little girl(s). 

While Mom was getting some much needed rest during her sicker-than-the-rest-of-us time, Lydia and I had The Tea Party of all tea parties.

The guests: Lydia, Dad, Baby Sally, and Santa.

The highlight: Santa's outfit change.

The runner up highlight: Ladybug sock gloves.

Best quote from Lydia while reading her Toddler's Bible: "God made me and dadda and momma and this tea party and my socks."

Here is The Tea Party.

In all the commotion of The Tea Party, Momma had a hard time sleeping and came down in time to take this photo of Lydia reading to Baby Sally.

And there was this...

Have a great week!


Cookies and Pie...... Face

Earlier this week Lydia and I drove to Rockford, MI for an early Christmas celebration with Andrew's family and Jodie's family. We had a delicious meal, played games, opened presents, laughed and cried. 


Nama arrived yesterday and we wasted no time. We baked and decorated sugar cookies. Lydia's favorite part was pressing the cookie cutter into the dough, and dumping way too many sprinkles onto the cookies. 

The Polar Express

Last weekend we took Lydia on the Polar Express train ride. It was a snowy and exciting night for all of us, and Lydia's first ride on a real train. We sang carols, read books, had cookies, colored, ate snow, and had a very fun time. Here are a lot of photos of the evening. (Click for full screen.)

Lydia and Momma also went to the children's museum this week and had tons of fun there. Here are some photos from the museum.

Have a great week!