I Love Garbage Trucks

Lydia is a real hit on our block. One of her favorite things to do is go #completelyBonkers when she hears the garbage man backing down our street to pick up the bins on Monday morning. This has become such an event that our neighbors started to come outside to watch Lydia watch the garbage man. Our garbage man is Alex and he is very nice. He honks the horn for Lydia and waves to her whenever she is outside watching him. Which is every time she is home on Monday mornings. A while back one of our neighbors brought Lydia over a garbage truck shirt. And with that backstory, here is Lydia on garbage day.

Lydia also recently started dance class. She was very excited to go. Or maybe just excited to wear her dance outfit. She was looking forward to twirling around in class and did some twirling for us at home. We were all quite surprised when she finished class and said, "Dadda, no twirling."

Maybe next week.

And here are a few random photos from the last month or so.

Have a great week!


This week has been quite cold so we've been looking for some fun indoor activities. Our local Rec Center has a fun gymnastics set-up for open play in the mornings. Lydia really enjoys swinging on the rings, walking the balance beam, and climbing the rock mats. I've been battling a relentless ear infection for a week now, so going to a bouncy gym probably wasn't the best decision for me. Regardless, we had a really fun time running around. Here are some pictures of Lydia's time there.  

And here is some video from a previous gymnastics session...

Have a great week!

Besties and Bubbles

One of Lydia's favorite activities is helping Dadda get ready for a trip. She likes to go into the closet for his hat, tie, and necklace (work ID). She runs around wearing all of these items while Matt is usually trying to pack. Lydia thought Dadda would like one of her stuffed animals to take with him on his trip so he wasn't lonely. She decided he could take Mr. Pufferfish. We received pictures of him from Denver and New York. Lydia was thrilled. 

Having a bubble beard is always a good idea. 

Have a great week!