
Every Friday morning for the past couple of months Lydia and I pick up her friend, Lily. We usually spend the morning at an open gymnastics center - the girls run around, swing from the rings, walk the balance beams, and tumble down the mats. It's so much fun having a friend join Lydia for a few hours each week. They hold hands in the car while singing songs. It's so sweet. Yesterday they made nicknames for one another - Silly Billy and Silly Lily. 



And here is Lydia wearing Dadda's hat.  


Have a great weekend! 

xo, J


Lydia went to the dentist for the first time this week. She was a big hit in the office. She was very brave in the big dentist chair surrounded by strange people and devices.

Lydia joined the No Cavity Club!

The perfect choice from the famous gift box.

After picking out her funny glasses we stopped at the market on the way home. Lydia had a meltdown at the market. On the drive home from the market, momma asked Lydia why she was so good at the dentist and so naughty at the market. Lydia responded, "because I'm two."

Tea in the tub.

And here is Lydia thanking Uncle Ryan for her sweater.

Have a great week!

Team Poppa and Mimi

This week Lydia and I flew to Arizona after hearing Poppa was in need of surgery and going to have a few days stay in the hospital - (Kidney stone 1/ Jack 0). Lydia enjoyed showering Poppa with extra love during his recovery. He's on the mend now and doing great! We also enjoyed the warm, sunny days there. 




Thank you for all of the prayers!  

Have a great weekend.  

xo,  J



Short post this week...

Lydia is still a big fan of her Mickey Mouse towel. She loves to put the hood over her face, laugh like crazy, and then wander around the house in #towelMode without being able to see anything. It's quite entertaining.

And here are a couple of photos of Lydia eating at the table. She is growing up quickly.

Have a great week!