Exploring in the Fog, or, The Evil Robot Beaver Post

Last week we went and explored a trail in one of the parks here. It was a rainy and foggy day and the water was partly frozen over. Once we made some good walking sticks from some (semi) detached tree branches, we found several clues leading us to an evil robot beaver lair under a dock. (Update from Lydia: somebody bad was controlling the evil robot beavers.) Possibly because of the weather, our invisible magical electronic key cards were not working properly on the majority of the bridges we crossed en route, but, not to worry, we were still able to acquire some poisonous milkweed, push it through the ice, and get it into the robotic beaver’s lair.

We have not seen the evil robot beavers since. (Or ever for that matter.)

Vancouver (Winter 2019 Part 2)

Here is part two (of two) of the Christmas post!! Lots of awesome photos of our awesome time in an awesome place with awesome people!

This first photo summarizes our trip. Enjoy!