Part 1: Some Photos from the First Half of October

Soccer, visits with Grandma (with COVID iPhone restaurant menus!), and an apple farm are included in this first set. Another post will follow soon (Monday) with more photos from the first half of October.

Catch and Release...

…and catch again. “Lady” had some outside play time today while Lydia took a break from listening to an imaginary audiobook.


The Stanley Cup!

A few weeks ago a major soccer tournament took place in Maple Ridge. This event just happened to be on the same day as Peter’s birthday party. Up for grabs was the Stanley Cup of Soccer.

Lydia was on Peter’s team, and Peter’s team was the winning team! So last week the Stanley Cup of Soccer spent a week with Lydia. The trophy is now with Peter who will keep it forever (because he scored the last goal).

Here is Lydia with the trophy.
