
Sunday afternoon we drove to Ohio. Here is Lydia with one of her dolls, excited for our road trip.


In Ohio - Wooster, Ohio - to be specific, we found a hotel and spent the night.

Why drive to Ohio and spend the night in a hotel? Great question!

Mom: This image and quote is from Star Wars.

Mom: This image and quote is from Star Wars.

…we told Lydia she could get a puppy. But, we told her that we needed a yard first. And after a move and Covid and another move and another move getting a place with a yard turned out to take a LOT longer than we had planned.

Speaking of Star Wars… This is an Ewok. (And foreshadowing.)

Speaking of Star Wars… This is an Ewok. (And foreshadowing.)

Anyway. A long time ago we told Lydia she could get a dog when we got a yard. And since we now have a yard, we now have a dog. Introducing…

Hold on. First…some quotes:

On the drive to Ohio

Jaynie: “Lydia, what are you going to call the dog?”

Lydia: “Me and E.” and “L and El.”

On the drive home from Ohio

Jaynie: “It’s so much fun having a dog.”

Matt: “It’s been six hours.”

Okay, on to the dog.

She is a Bernedoodle and her name is Elwood. She is eight weeks old and is expected to grow to be between 25 and 40 pounds.

“The Bernedoodle is a companion dog, through and through. The breed inherits the intelligence of its Poodle parents and the charming, goofy, happy-go-lucky temperament of the Bernese Mountain Dog. Bernedoodles are happiest when they're spending time with their families, children included, and are willing participants in playtime and cuddle fests alike.”


Lydia’s puppy, Elwood:

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And it feels so good!

After being together for 431 days Matt started his 787 training in May in Denver. He completed his training cycle and is officially back in O’Hare and flying the 787. We celebrated and welcomed him home with posters and balloons. We missed him and are thrilled to have him back!



Four years ago this weekend, the video below - “Watch out!” - was filmed.

A few minutes after that video there was a crash, some blood, and Lydia had some chipped front teeth.

Yesterday was the dentist’s deadline for those damaged teeth to come out on their own. Here is Lydia at the beginning of the day, about to head to swimming.

And here she is after her second visit of the day to the dentist.

After seeing her with the gas mask over her nose, being injected with four shots of numbing, and getting a couple of teeth removed… I caved.

Which leads to this next set of photos.

And we’re back.

And here is Lydia explaining how her first tooth came out (Momma pulled it) and then polishing her teeth for the Tooth Fairy.