
Lydia turned seven last week. For some reason, seven seems a lot older than six. More than a year older at least. We are thankful to our Lord for Lydia. She is a wonderful girl and a blessing to us.

Here are some photos of our girl on her birthday.

Canada - Summer 2021

We have finally sorted through our photos from our epic trip to Vancouver a couple of months ago. When the border opened to visitors on August 9th, we were there. Below are a ton of galleries of a ton of photos from our trip.

Highlights from the trip include… going through the book of Colossians, celebrating Jaynie’s birthday, playing a lot of street hockey, revisiting our favorite beaches, playing ice hockey, and watching Lydia have a great time with all of her cousins.

Lowlights from the trip include… leaving.

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Gallery 5/12 (The puzzle gallery. Which image does not go with the others?)

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Lydia has been doing really well in Class One. She has a small amount of homework most days, which consists (mostly) of reading and being read to. Here are some photos of her reading today.

In other news, she loves Elwood.

Back to homework. Lydia started a new math assignment today which involves Lydia memorizing some basic addition and subtraction equations that are written out on little cards. Did we mention the dog?


Yes, it happened.