Operation Garden

Similar to ‘that other blog’ out there, our blog is also up for renewal. And so we thought it would be a good idea to update ours as well. Not that we haven’t updated it this week…month…quarter…okay…it has been a while.

Lydia has been asking if we could plant a garden this year. So we recently went out and scouted the yard, bought and assembled a garden bed, and filled it with dirt. Below are photos of ‘aprasshine garden’.

Next up: Seed planting.

Tis’ the Season

Below are pictures from the last week. Lydia had a violin Christmas concert, and a school Christmas concert. We walked through a park full of lights, and watched a parade drive down our street. Many sweet memories have been made recently.


It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

We are continuing with our annual Christmas tradition of unwrapping an ornament each morning and reading through a corresponding passage in the Bible as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior.

A Field Trip

A few weeks ago Lydia’s class went on a field trip to the Wade Center at Wheaton College. The Wade Center contains a lot of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien resources that students can explore. Below are some photos from the field trip, some photos from around the house this past month, and Lydia responding to a birthday card.