One Month

Yesterday Lydia turned one month old. She has started to show quite the little personality in the past few days. It's so sweet to hear the new sounds she is starting to make. Matt can really get her to babble! 

We have been reading Ann Voskamp's Advent Book - The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas each day. This is a tradition we hope to continue as Lydia grows up.

My parents (Poppa and Mimi) flew in on Thursday to meet and visit with Lydia. The weather has been sunny and warm all week so we had a chance to take a walk around the neighborhood. Lydia seemed to enjoy the extra attention! We attended Christmas at the Ranch at our church Friday evening as well. 

My heart is bursting with joy as I upload all of these pictures of our sweet baby girl. Thank you for the visit Poppa and Mimi!