
We recently returned from a family vacation in Kelowna at my dad's place. The Lafleur family (my sister Ali, her husband Spencer, and three of our nieces - Ella, Juliette, and Karis) drove in from Langley to spend a week with us. We had an awesome time. The girls are getting big and are a real joy to be around.


Juliette, Karis, Ella

Juliette, Karis, Ella







Lake Okanagan

Lake Okanagan


Here the girls are working their first 'job' (picking up leaves intentionally left out). It paid very well and they were able to buy ice cream with their earnings.

First job

First job

Jaynie with our little guy or girl who will be arriving in the fall. 

Jaynie, Matt, Ella, Karis, Spencer, Ali, Juliette

Jaynie, Matt, Ella, Karis, Spencer, Ali, Juliette

More babies on the way!

More babies on the way!

My dad with the girls. They think he is as crazy as we do.

Jaynie and I went walking each day. Here is the view of the house on our way back from one of our walks.

We visited a kangaroo farm while we were there. Lots of cool animals. Here is a goat that wanted to have a bite of the dress Karis was wearing.

Jaynie (with a baby) and a baby kangaroo

Jaynie (with a baby) and a baby kangaroo

Juliette and a baby kangaroo

Juliette and a baby kangaroo

Juliette feeding a pig

Juliette feeding a pig

The girls loved playing Lego.

Ella often set her shoes on mine whenever we were inside.

Great trip and time with family.