Need Passport, Will Travel

This week we found out that Lydia needs a passport to travel by air to… Canada. 
Yes, this girl is dangerous.

Here is the look on Lydia’s face when we told her she needed a passport.

They (Homeland Security) said it had something to do with her mom and a keychain. Here is Lydia before hearing about The Keychain Incident.

Here is Lydia after hearing about The Keychain Incident.

Here is the photo that will soon be in Lydia’s passport.

In other news, Lydia likes to let us know when she is hungry or has a wet diaper. 95% of the time she turns into a fussy monkey it is for one of those two reasons - hungry or wet. There is no such thing as an absorbent diaper in Lydia’s world. One drop and she will let us know it is time for a new diaper. She can have an all out Code Blue and be fine, but one drop of pee and she is not a happy camper. This can result in 4 or 5 diaper changes in less than half an hour. Which then results in a quote like this from Jaynie:

“I'm going to take a few of her diapers and tape them together and make one big diaper and pee in it. I just want to see what the big deal is. This is her seventh diaper change in an hour. Seven. Go get the tape.”



Happy New Year!