Trip to SFO

Last weekend we went on a trip to San Francisco to celebrate Jaynie's Mom's birthday. All of Jaynie's siblings made the trip and Lydia was excited to see Poppa and Mimi and meet uncle Ryan, uncle Adam, uncle Andrew, and aunt Jodie.

Jack, Jaynie, and Adam on SFO's funnest mode of transportation

Jack, Jaynie, and Adam on SFO's funnest mode of transportation

The weather was awesome and we went for a nice walk down to the Pier 39 area.

Pam, Ryan, Matt, Andrew, Jack, Jodie, Adam, Jaynie, Shireen, Kristen

Pam, Ryan, Matt, Andrew, Jack, Jodie, Adam, Jaynie, Shireen, Kristen

Lydia with Poppa and Mimi

Lydia with Poppa and Mimi

Here is a set of photos from SFO - uncle Andrew and Lydia, some Pier 23 eating, Jaynie and her dad looking out at Alcatraz, Seal Team 39, and Ryan putting on a special show.

That last one is Ryan doing 'The Rooster,' which is something I think everybody should experience at least once in their life. Experience hanging with Ryan or seeing The Rooster you ask? Both, go for both.

Our little one has become quite the seasoned traveller.

Back in Denver the weather was a lot cooler this week. Tons of snow as well - exciting stuff. Lydia was ready.

Two more of my girls.

And one of our Monkey in the sink.

And one on the couch.

Have a great week!