Four Months, Two Shots, and the Intro to Monkey Time

This past Thursday Lydia turned four months old. She had a busy week since hitting this milestone. 

The week started with a Well Visit to see Dr. Mark. Lydia was 17.4 lbs (95%), and 26 inches long (98%). She is a strong, healthy, joyful baby girl! 

Lydia had to receive two shots during her visit. I had the wonderful job of pinning down her arms as she was stabbed. Interesting fact... Notice how Matt is directly out of Lydia's line of vision. She recovered quickly with the help of a snuggle and a quickly placed wubbanub.

We got the green light to try pureed foods with Lydia. We thought she would love to eat from a spoon, but she didn't seem too interested in the mashed avocado. Maybe if we fed her a chocolate chip cookie the outcome would have been different. 

Lydia loves tummy time throughout the day. This week she successfully grabbed her wubbanub off of her play mat and put it in her mouth. High fives all around!

Lydia has been enjoying her time in the Jolly Jumper (aka Monkey Time) this week - thank you Uncle Spencer and Auntie Ali! Lydia's nickname is Monkey, Monks, or Miss Monks, hence Monkey Time! I think her monikers are cute considering Matt gave me the nickname Stueberdoodles back in the day... Don't ask! Miss Monks tends to be very vocal as she is bouncing around. I imagine she is saying, "Watch this Dad and Mom!" or "Give me a mashed banana next time!"

The picture below of Matt and Lydia was taken last week on his birthday, but didn't make it to the blog in time. It's one of my favorite photos. They look so much alike. I just love them!

Lastly, I would like to thank the editor of Smith Additive for rehiring me. My technology knowledge has grown .001% in the past three months, and I think I can really bring something special to this family blog.