
The week started with us taking Lydia to the pediatrician for her belly button. It had been discolored for months and it was recommended to me that we should get it checked out. Dr. Mark took a look at her belly button and gently told us it was.... dry skin and dirt. Yes, this is true. After having a good laugh he handed us a few alcohol pads, and then we got out of there as fast as we could. 

Lydia after hearing her belly button was only dirty.

Lydia after hearing her belly button was only dirty.

The solution.

The solution.

At least you didn't get any shots today.

At least you didn't get any shots today.

Later in the week Aunt Becky and Grace came to visit us for the day. We had a nice afternoon together which included lunch, ice cream, and a walk to the park before the eight inches of snow hit us throughout the next 24 hours. Good thing they packed for Winter and Summer! Lydia loved the extra attention, as did Matt when Grace deemed him her new BFF. So sweet!

Grace and Lydia.

Grace and Lydia.

Aunt Becky and Lydia.

Aunt Becky and Lydia.

Lydia weighed in at 19.6lbs at the doctor's visit. Look at those cute cheeks and legs!

Lydia weighed in at 19.6lbs at the doctor's visit. Look at those cute cheeks and legs!

Daddy and his baby girl.

Daddy and his baby girl.

Grace on the ladybug.

Grace on the ladybug.

Enjoy the weekend!