Picnic Basket

Lydia is really into reading these days. We read to her daily, and when we are not reading to her, she will often grab a book, run off, and look at it by herself. Some of the books we read to her include The Biggest Story, Humble Heart, and The Big Picture Story Bible. Some of the books Lydia enjoys running off with include Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See, pamphlets and magazines that her favorite blue uniformed friend drops off daily, and User Guide. Here she is with one of those magazines from her blue uniformed friend.

And here is Lydia reading her current favorite. It is called User Guide and was written by Mr. Whirlpool. Here she is reading User Guide.

She keeps User Guide in her secret Picnic Basket in the kitchen. Here she is guarding it.

In addition to finding User Guide by Mr. Whirlpool in Lydia's basket, we have found random plates, bowls, cups, shoes, receipts, and cardboard. Pretty much anything that goes missing in our home is likely to be found in the Picnic Basket.

Lydia has also started to wear Jaynie's old Canucks hat around the house. She enjoys wearing the hat and running around the house, or clearing out a place to sit so she can read. Here she is doing both.

Not apposed to different styles of hats, here she is reading one of those magazines from her blue uniformed friend with her thinking cap on.

And some more reading. In her rocking chair, and in the hallway while Momma is brushing her teeth.

A couple of random cute photos.

We had a first time burger eater in the house this week. 

And also a new Peek-a-Boo player.

Lydia loves this Puppy doll that Mimi gave her for Christmas.

Recently we passed by a Disney store where they were selling Minnie Mouse dolls for a very reasonable price. Getting two was one extra dollar. So we bought two. We then put them in Lydia's rocking chair after she was asleep for the night so that she would find them the next morning. After Lydia woke up in the morning and had some food, she did her usual rounds. When she saw the Minnie Mouse dolls in her chair she went straight over to them and started to rock them in the rocking chair. This went on for quite some time and has now turned into a morning routine. After rocking them for a while they usually have a group hug. Here they are.

Have a great week!