The Long Overdue Canada Post

After about 3 years of blogging every Saturday, the streak has ended. We aren't sure if we are going to post on a set schedule or not, but we are going to keep posting (just not every Saturday!). Depending on what we have going on, we may have some weeks with several small posts, some weeks with a big post, and some weeks with nothing at all.

With that said, this post is a monster. There are over 200 photos here from the trip to Canada we took in July and August. We had a really great time - it was an excellent family trip. There are a ton of really good pictures here that look really good on a computer. So if you have the option of using a big screen, do so!

Our trip started off by flying to Vancouver and then taking a ferry to Victoria (all in the same day). Lydia was an expert little traveller. We stayed in Victoria for a few days and then we took a ferry back to Vancouver and met up with The Lafleur's. It had been a year since we had seen them (the longest time we had ever gone without a visit) and it was awesome to see them again, stay in their home, and worship with them at The Village. After the visit at the Lafleur's we went to Kelowna and stayed there for a little over a week. My Mom flew in for the week and The Lafleur's came in as well and we had a really fun time staying at my Dad's. One of our favorite parts of the time in Kelowna was studying various Pslams in the evening together. After the time in Kelowna, we travelled back to Vancouver and spent a couple of nights in the city before heading back to Chicago.

Here are a lot of photos from the trip. They are in galleries so that the page will load quicker. Click to expand!

Photos 1-20

Photos 21-40

Photos 41-60

Photos 61-80

Photos 81-100

Photos 101-120

Photos 121-140

Photos 141-160

Photos 161-180

Photos 181-211