
I spent some time in Poland earlier this month tagging along with a group called Leadership Resources International. LRI trains pastors to teach and preach the Bible faithfully. It was a great privilege to be able to listen in as Pastors in Poland gathered together to learn from God's Word. Below are some photos of the trip.

During the workshop, we looked at the book of Jonah which has a strong theme of loving your enemies and asking the question: "Do you do well to be angry?" when God shows His underserved mercy to others after He has shown His underserved mercy to us. Included in these photos is a photo of a drawing with a building in the background (the 'Bernardo Bellotto' photo, the last photo in this post). The drawing in the photo is not of the building - the building is from the drawing. After the Germans firebombed Warsaw, Poland rebuilt their buildings from the drawings and photos they had. The teaching on Jonah was very eye opening.

 And the LORD said, “Do you do well to be angry?” - Jonah 4:4