31 Months

No, that is not how many months it has been since we have updated the blog.

31 months ago (Lydia was one!!), Lydia began wearing a patch on her stronger eye to strengthen her weaker eye in the hopes of preventing her from having a lazy eye. The doc’s original orders were for the patch to be on for an hour a day and for us to return and check up on things in a few months. A few months passed and there wasn’t much progress so we were told to go to two hours a day. A few months later we were at three hours a day. And then four. And then, finally, progress. Four hours a day turned to three and then to two and then to one.

This morning, Lydia wore her last patch.

We are thankful that we have a little girl that never complained about her eye patch and doesn’t complain about her glasses. I’m also thankful that Lydia has a Momma that takes good care of her and made sure that she wore her patch every single day.

She got a lot of weird looks. Most people thought there was something wrong with her eye that was patched, which is what I would have thought as well if I didn’t know what was going on. One time a guy in the grocery store looked at Lydia and asked her if she was a pirate. Lydia looked at him and said, “No, I’m a little girl.” And that was that.

So today we went to see the eye doc and he is optimistic (get it?!) that Lydia is finished with the patch. We will know more when we return in three months. But for now, tomorrow will be the first day Lydia hasn’t worn an eye patch in 31 months.

Here she is wearing her (hopefully) last patch. Thumbs up.


And here are some patch photos from over the last couple of years.