
Today, 30 March 2020, Lydia started Kindergarten. (Interesting: Using your computer dictionary, look up kindergarten and see how the definition varies based on the country.)

Last fall Lydia began pre-K at Clapham School in Wheaton. In the USA the school year is based on your age on September 1st. In Canada the school year is based on the calendar year and since Lydia has a November birthday she has advanced to Kindergarten! This reminds me, though in the opposite direction, of when I used to fly airplanes and travel westbound passing through different time zones at a rate of more than one per hour. Yes, time travel! It is how I have stayed so young. Speaking of when we used to fly airplanes, if you missed yesterday’s post you can find it here.

So today was day one of Kindergarten. And, as big of a news event as that should be, this was an even bigger day than that. Here is Lydia with her Kindergarten teacher!!


All of us are very excited about this and so far it has been great. All ten hours of it.


Seriously though, we are all very excited about homeschooling and have a great support team to help us along the way. That being said, your prayers are appreciated. (This is the serious part of the post.)

Here are some photos of day one of Kindergarten. Starting with morning cinnamon rolls, of course, and ending with Lydia’s pen-pal work.

We also went on a photo walk today. During the walk, I would not lead us down the cliff into the sinking-death-mud-trap near the river that was created during the rainstorm last night. That’s how I was able to capture these photos.

After a quick recovery, here is Lydia turning her frown upside down.


While out walking today we found a lot of painted rocks, which we of course call treasures. There is some type of FB group here that paints rocks and sets them along the paths. Lydia has enjoyed taking photos of the rocks. Unrelated but also in the exploration category, there is a marshland here created by a bunch of beavers that have cut down some of the trees, blocking the water flow. We see lots of animals in and around the water and sometimes we even see a beaver swimming around in the water. It is a fun area to explore. Here are the rest of the photos from today.