COVID Nature Walks

First off, here is Jaynie in her homemade COVID mask.


We were out walking in our neighbourhood recently and we stopped to look at some huge flowers. The owner of the house came out and said Lydia was welcome to pick a flower if she wanted to. Here she is with the one she chose.

We have been able to do a lot of exploring over the past weeks, keeping 2 meters apart from anybody not in our household of course (exception - Lafleur pizza incident!).

The parks here have a lot of warnings and future trivia questions. The wingspan of a bald eagle? The distance from the nose to tail of a cheetah? Both are two meters.

Here is gallery one of two of some photos of us out on the trails.

And here is trail gallery two of two. This one is of today’s nature walk where Lydia collected items for her Nature Box.

At the end of our walk today Lydia wanted to re-create a photo we told her about from when she was a baby. Same trail, different monkey.