31 Weeks

Yesterday was an exciting day. Click here to read about our nephew, Peter Malachi Lafleur, who was welcomed into the world just a few minutes into the day. We are really excited to meet him and are very happy for Spencer, Ali, and the girls. Check out the post, it's an awesome story of answered prayer.

Our little one is just over the 31 week mark now and yesterday he or she put on a real show for the ultrasound technician. We didn't realize that they had 3D technology and were really surprised to see our baby. The baby's eyes opened and closed and we also saw him or her smile. It was really cool. Below are some photos of the nursery and the ultrasound. The last photo is the expression I (Matt) will have on my face when trying to figure out how to change a diaper.

28 Weeks

Hi all!

Here are a couple of pictures Matt took over the weekend to document my growing belly.

I am almost to 29 weeks and I feel great. The baby moves all around, especially when I settle down and relax. Matt and I have been going on daily 4-5 mile walks. This helps me keep up my energy and will hopefully carry over to the delivery. We will see! We love to read stories to the baby as he/she can now recognize and distinguish our voices... Very neat. 


We recently returned from a family vacation in Kelowna at my dad's place. The Lafleur family (my sister Ali, her husband Spencer, and three of our nieces - Ella, Juliette, and Karis) drove in from Langley to spend a week with us. We had an awesome time. The girls are getting big and are a real joy to be around.


Juliette, Karis, Ella

Juliette, Karis, Ella







Lake Okanagan

Lake Okanagan


Here the girls are working their first 'job' (picking up leaves intentionally left out). It paid very well and they were able to buy ice cream with their earnings.

First job

First job

Jaynie with our little guy or girl who will be arriving in the fall. 

Jaynie, Matt, Ella, Karis, Spencer, Ali, Juliette

Jaynie, Matt, Ella, Karis, Spencer, Ali, Juliette

More babies on the way!

More babies on the way!

My dad with the girls. They think he is as crazy as we do.

Jaynie and I went walking each day. Here is the view of the house on our way back from one of our walks.

We visited a kangaroo farm while we were there. Lots of cool animals. Here is a goat that wanted to have a bite of the dress Karis was wearing.

Jaynie (with a baby) and a baby kangaroo

Jaynie (with a baby) and a baby kangaroo

Juliette and a baby kangaroo

Juliette and a baby kangaroo

Juliette feeding a pig

Juliette feeding a pig

The girls loved playing Lego.

Ella often set her shoes on mine whenever we were inside.

Great trip and time with family.


Baby Shower

Last weekend we celebrated the upcoming arrival of Baby Smith with our family and friends back in Michigan. The weekend was filled with many celebrations - Ava's Baptism, Jodie's surprise 40th birthday party, Jack's high school graduation and the baby shower. Let's just say it was a super busy weekend! 

Baby Shower Cake

Baby Shower Cake

Shower Hostesses - Auntie Jodie, Grandma, Soon-to-be-Mama, Mimi

Shower Hostesses - Auntie Jodie, Grandma, Soon-to-be-Mama, Mimi

Long time girlfriends - Kelli, Stacy and Annette

Long time girlfriends - Kelli, Stacy and Annette

Grace, Becky and Barb... Grace loves to talk about her new cousin!

Grace, Becky and Barb... Grace loves to talk about her new cousin!

Aunt Peggy had a hard time buying the baby Canucks gear! 

Aunt Peggy had a hard time buying the baby Canucks gear! 

Michigan Family

Michigan Family

Grandma Pat came down from Traverse City to celebrate.

Grandma Pat came down from Traverse City to celebrate.

Parents-to-be with Mimi and Poppa.

Parents-to-be with Mimi and Poppa.

Thank you to all of our family and friends who came to welcome Baby Smith. Tomorrow I hit 22 weeks! I have been feeling great and have tons of energy.