A YouBee and an Owl Video

My dad came to visit last weekend. Lydia has now met all of her grandparents. Thank you all for coming to meet our little girl and visit with us.

Here are some photos of Grandpa Clark's visit.

In other news, we’ve developed a lot of new lingo in the last five weeks. Here are some definitions of the terms that we have been using recently:

Twosie: Double layered onesies. One on top of the other.

Code ______: Any use of the word 'code' followed by a color requires all available personnel to report immediately to the situation room. This is a cleanup that cannot be safely accomplished with fewer than four hands.

Code White: Excessive spit-up caked on more than one person requiring a change of clothing.

Code Blue: Somehow, magically, poop is everywhere. It has defied gravity and travelled upwards. It has defied physics and travelled through a diaper, and a twosie, and a swaddle blanket.

YouBee: An unscheduled bath (U.B.), usually the result of a Code Blue.

The last Code Blue we had was on Thursday. Here is a photo of the subsequent YouBee.


Lydia has started to tap her owl while on her play mat. We thought maybe this was a fluke but she has done it a few times now. Here is some video.

We’ve been seeing a few smiles that we also are starting to believe are not flukes. We hope to capture one and post it soon... Maybe on the 25th.

One Month

Yesterday Lydia turned one month old. She has started to show quite the little personality in the past few days. It's so sweet to hear the new sounds she is starting to make. Matt can really get her to babble! 

We have been reading Ann Voskamp's Advent Book - The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas each day. This is a tradition we hope to continue as Lydia grows up.

My parents (Poppa and Mimi) flew in on Thursday to meet and visit with Lydia. The weather has been sunny and warm all week so we had a chance to take a walk around the neighborhood. Lydia seemed to enjoy the extra attention! We attended Christmas at the Ranch at our church Friday evening as well. 

My heart is bursting with joy as I upload all of these pictures of our sweet baby girl. Thank you for the visit Poppa and Mimi!


This past week Lydia spent a lot of time looking at the lights on our Christmas tree. We are pretty sure this is her favorite thing to do right now. Other interests include looking at the lights on the ceiling, catching glimpses of herself in the mirror during tummy time, and falling asleep while we give her a bath. She has also been growing her hockey hair. Here are some photos from the week.

Baths and Books

We are getting into a regular routine around here. With the umbilical cord gone we can now give Lydia a bath in the tub. She hated the wipe down at the sink during the first week she was home and we expected a similar routine during bath time in the tub. We were pleasantly surprised. Lydia loves the tub.

We've also been reading quite a few board books to Lydia. By the way she looks around the room at whatever bright object she can see, it is clear to us that she is very fond of board books. Her favorite books are Little Blue Truck, Harold and the Purple Crayon, Is your Mamma a Llama, and Doggies (surprise ending!). That being said, she has expressed suspicion as to whether or not Dr. Seuss was really a doctor. Lydia said that she could write at the level that this (to use Lydia's words) "so called doctor" writes at. Here is a photo of Lydia during the Dr. Seuss conversation.

Lydia then went on to write a response to the Dr Seuss book Hop on Pop. Here it is:




By Lydia

Poop in diaper.
Diaper poop.
Diaper change.
More poop.
Poop poop poop.
No diaper on.
Projectile poop.
Flying poop.
That went far.
Poop hit dad.
Code blue.

The end.


We are waiting to hear back from the publisher.

Lydia in her stroller. She's very happy with the 65F weather we've been getting here.

Lydia loves her mom.